words with Spanish accents

Easy and Common Words in Spanish

words with Spanish accents

words with Spanish accents


Spanish Food Worksheet Three Answers


Spanish Language

Spanish Worksheets

Spanish Food Worksheet Three Questions


  • Learn how to order food and understand a restaurant menu
  • Learn how to discuss food and different meal times

  • Learn how to spell and say the names of vegetables including carrots, broccoli, sprouts, mushrooms, peas, garlic, rice, green beans, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cabbages, onions, cauliflowers and beans.

1. Vegetable in Spanish is el vegetal

2. Potato in Spanish is la patata
3. Carrot in Spanish is la zanahoria
4. Cauliflower in Spanish is el coliflor
5. Lettuce in Spanish is la lechuga
6. Cabbage in Spanish is el col
7. Green beans in Spanish are las judias verdes
8. Garlic in Spanish is el ajo
9. Onion Spanish is la cebolla
10. Rice in Spanish is el arroz
11. Mushroom in Spanish is el champi�on
12. Salad in Spanish is la ensalada
13. Asparagus in Spanish is el esp�rrago
14. Spinach in Spanish is la espinaca
15. Tomato in Spanish is el tomate
16. Pepper in Spanish is el pimiento
17. Chips in Spanish is las papatas fritas
18. Egg plant in Spanish is la berenjena (aubergine)
19. Corn in Spanish is el maiz (sweet corn, maize)
20. Leek in Spanish is el puerro
21. Broccoli in Spanish is el br�coli
22. Kidney beans in Spanish is los porotos
23. Spring onion in Spanish is la cebolleta
24. Swede in Spanish is el colinabo
25. Parsnip in Spanish is la chiriv�a
26. Courgette in Spanish is el calabac�n (zucchini)
27. Sweet potato in Spanish is la batata
28. Yam in Spanish is el �ame
29. Celery in Spanish is el apio
25. Cucumber in Spanish is el pepino



Spanish Food Worksheet

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