words with Spanish accents

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Easy and Common Words in Spanish

words with Spanish accents


Spanish Conjugation Worksheet Three Answers


Spanish Language

Spanish Worksheets

Spanish Conjugation Worksheet Three Questions


  • Conjugation definition and meaning: conjugation refers to the change the verb has to make to allow for the subject of the sentence.

  • Conjugating ir verbs - learn how to conjugate regular ir verbs by replacing ir with the following six possible verb endings:

yo o nosotros
t� es vosotros
  • Create simple Spanish sentences following the rule: subject + verb base + verb ending

abrir to open existir to exist
admitir to admit insistir to insist, emphasize
asistir to attend permitir to permit
cubrir to cover recibir to receive
decidir to decide subir to climb, go up
describir to describe sufrir to suffer
descubrir to discover unir to unite
escribir to write vivir to live

1. ella vivo

21. asiste cada d�a / todos los d�as
2. vosotros insist�s
22. admite la verdad
3. �l decide
23. viven en la pisa
4. ellos asisten
24. no decidimos
5. yo descubro
25. describo a mi familia
6. usted recibe
26. no insistes
7. ella permite
27. sube monta�as
8. nosotras sufrimos
28. no descubo
9. ellos existen
29. escribe en casa
10. yo describo
30. abre la puerta
11. �l sube
31. unimos
12. ella escribe
32. vivimos cerca de la biblioteca
13. notostros descubrimos
33. reciben regalos
14. t� unes
34. sufro de dolores de cabeza
15. ellos cubren
35. abrimos a las ocho
16. nosotros admitimos
36. no admito
17. yo recibo
37. decide todo
18. �l abre
38. cubre la mesa
19. nosotros vivimos
39. no asisten la universidad
20. ellos permiten
40. abres la botella

Spanish Conjugation Worksheet Three Answers

  • List of Spanish Conjugating er verbs -  Printable Worksheets
  • Free printable Spanish Conjugation Worksheets practice
  • Printable Conjugation Worksheets for Schools
  • Espa�ol Conjugating er verbs Worksheets for Lessons
  • Verb Conjugation Worksheets for Teachers - regular ir verbs
  • Worksheets Ideas for lesson planning and teaching languages
  • Learn ir verbs with conjugating verb worksheets
  • ir verbs in Espa�ol Worksheet - free printable worksheets
  • ir verbs with Spanish Conjugating verbs worksheet
  • Conjugation verbs, conjugating verbs, conjugate verbs


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