words with Spanish accents

Easy and Common Words in Spanish

words with Spanish accents

Easy and Common Words in Spanish

words with Spanish accents

Easy and Common Words in Spanish

words with Spanish accents


Spanish Sentences


Spanish Sentences
We have created Spanish Sentences with English translations and grammar explanations to help guide beginners of the Spanish language in the easiest way possible. This teaching resource can be used for free by schools, teachers and tutors. Our sentences in Spanish are ideal for lesson planning and homework help. This website provides useful help and guidance for kids, beginners, tourists or anybody learning how to speak, understand and write in Spanish.

Spanish Sentences - Grammar
In this section, we are going to teach you how to write and how to form Spanish Sentences correctly. The grammar rules are different to the English language so there are some important grammatical terms to learn before you begin making Spanish Sentences. For information about forming verbs and sentences, refer to our home page verb section, otherwise, please continue further down this page for important grammatical facts and information about constructing and writing sentences.


Spanish Sentences

Easy and Simple (Basic Sentences) Click here to return to Spanish Language

Spanish Sentences - How to Make a Sentence (Grammatical Terms)
The grammar rules in Spanish are different to English so before we move on to sentence structure, please familiarize yourself with the following grammatical definitions and terms which explain the following sentence 'the lady slowly paints a beautiful picture in the garden':

Sentence Grammatical Term Grammatical Definition
The definite article The definite article - the term given to the word 'the'
lady noun (subject) A noun can be a person, animal, object, thing or place
slowly adverb An adverb describes a verb (how an action is done e.g. slowly)
paints verb A verb describes an action (e.g. paints, makes, eats, sleeps)
a indefinite article The indefinite article - the term given to the words 'a', 'an' or 'some'
beautiful adjective An adjective is the word which describes the noun (e.g. beautiful)
picture noun (direct object) A noun can be a person, animal, object, thing or place
in preposition Word placed before a noun or pronoun to indicate time, place or condition
the definite article The definite article - the term given to the word 'the'
garden noun A noun can be a person, animal, object, thing or place

Spanish Sentences - How to Write a Sentence (Definite and Indefinite Articles)
As per the example used in the chart above, the definite article refers to the word 'the' and the indefinite article refers to the words 'a', 'an' or 'some'. In Spanish, these words change within sentences depending on gender (e.g. masculine or femine), singular or plural as per the following guide:

  Masculine Feminine Article - Definite or Indefinite
Singular el la Definite article 'the'
Plural los las Definite article 'the'
Singular un una Indefinite article 'a' or 'an'
Plural unos unas Indefinite article 'some'

Spanish Sentences - How to Make a Sentence (de + el)
The word 'de' means 'of' and 'a' means 'to', however, these words can change within Spanish Sentences as they follow these rules of grammar:

  Example - Spanish Sentences English Translation
de + el changes to del el perro del ni�o the dog of the boy (the boy's dog)
a + el changes to al Voy al lago I am going to the lake

Spanish Sentences - How to Construct a Sentence (el + un)
There are some additional rules to remember when creating, writing and saying Spanish Sentences. Sometimes el and un are placed before a feminine noun. This only happens if the feminine noun starts with a stressed a- or ha- and this grammar rule does not apply when separated by an adjective. It's important to remember that the gender of the noun does not change, therefore, any other changes remain the same as they would with a feminine noun and the plural will always be las or unas. The following Spanish Sentences give example and clarification to this important grammar rule:

Spanish Sentences

English Translation Grammatical Explanation
arma weapon feminine noun
el arma the weapon the is masculine as the noun begins with a stressed a-
la vieja arma the old weapon the is feminine as it's placed before an adjective
el arma est� vieja the weapon is old el is masculine as the noun begins with a stressed a-
las armas the weapons the is feminine as the noun is plural
unas armas some weapons some is feminine as the noun is plural

Spanish Sentences - How to Write a Sentence (Spanish and English Grammar Differences)
There are times when the definite article (the word 'the') is used in Spanish Sentences where it wouldn't be used in the English language.  Such examples would include reference to nouns in a general sense, before titles (unless when speaking directly to a person), when referring to a language (except when the language is placed after hablar, saber or aprender), when referring to a specific day e.g. on Sunday, when using other certain expressions. The following table can be used a guide to clarify the grammar rules for the use of 'the' in Spanish Sentences:

Spanish Sentences English Translation and Grammar Explained
el dinero es importante en Inglaterra (the) money is important in England
la reina Victoria (the) Queen Victoria
el se�or Santana Mr Santana (the is not used when talking directly with people)
aprendo espa�ol (the) Spanish is difficult (note espa�ol is not capitalized as in English)
aprendo espa�ol I learn Spanish (the is not used after aprender, saber or hablar)
el domingo on Sunday (note that days of the week are not capitalized in Spanish)
en la inglesia in (the) church - the Spanish use 'the' in certain expressions / sentences

Spanish Sentences

  • Printable list of Sentences in Spanish and grammar rules
  • Ideas for lesson planning and teaching languages
  • Printable Sentences lists for Kids - classroom activities
  • Learn oraci�nes en espa�ol y ingl�s spelling, pronunciation
  • Fun ways to teach children - lists, worksheets, games
  • Free Printable English translation of Spanish Sentences
  • Printable tests and lessons for Spanish language teachers
  • Spanish Sentences including basic, common, funny, useful, romantic and love - phrases, expressions, sentence
  • English to Spanish Sentences - translated in both languages


Spanish Sentences - Spelling - Spanish Sentences - Vocabulary - How To Write - Basic - Common - Funny - Love - Romantic - Simple - Easy - Useful - How To Make - Examples - English Sentences To Spanish - Learn Help And Guidance - Guide To How To Form Spanish Sentences - Basic - Basics - Easy - Simple - List - Language - Learn - Learning - English To Spanish - Free - Lessons - Printable - Study - Speaking - Online - Sentences - Tutor - Translation - Classes - For Dummies - Conversational - Sentences - Word - Sentences In - Teach Me - School - Translator - Translators - Beginners - Translate - Speak - How Can I Learn - Test - Courses - Translation - Tutors - Schools - Teaching - Sentence - Interpreter - Worksheets - Work Sheets - Converter - Fast - Easy - Simple - Quick - For Kids - For Children - Dictionary - Definitions - Grammar Check - English To Spanish Translation - Lesson Plans - Pronunciation - Teacher - Learn To Speak - Common Spanish Sentences - Pronouns - Alphabet - Basic Spanish Sentences - Conversion - Learn How To Speak - Language Learning - Interpretation - Sentences List - Write In - Conversation - Beginner - Teach - Sentences - Learning To Speak - Quickly - Spelling - Spell - Homework Help - Basics - Spain Language - Tutoring - Best Way To Learn - How To Talk - Toddlers - Terms - Teach Yourself - Common Spanish Sentences - Pronounce - Glossary - Slow - Immersion - Command - Chat - Preschoolers - Preschool - Easiest - Fluent - Fluently - Information - Phrases - Fastest - Learn Espanol - Learning - Sentences To Know - Ways To Learn - Verb Forms - Spelling - Best Method To Learn - Education - Educate - Educational - Language - English Spanish - From English To Spanish - On Line - English Spanish Translation - How To Learn A Language - Help Me Learn - The Language - Foreign - Tutorial - Language Sentences - Practice - Languages - Spain - Sentences And Phrases - Spanish Sentences - Language Learn - List - Test - Popular - Language Learning - Vocab - Easy - Basic - Simple Sentences - Class - Primary - Middle School - Kindergarten - First Grade - Elementary - Audio Video - Pronunciation - Classroom - Fun - Meanings - Printable - English And Spanish - In English - Activities - Written By Sarah Johnstone